
Make Room for Poetry

by Anj CP | Love Poems and Other Mushy Stuff



The Best Is What Comes Next

Next call, we spent hours on the first.

Next date, I’ll try not to stare for too long.

Next trip, my arms might be linked to yours.

Next kiss, I hear our new favorite song.

Next day, and I’m waking up beside you

Every next is what I’m most looking forward to.

Running on Empty

The hardest memories to manage are the good times we’ve had.

Because when times were good, they were the best.

with colors you could swim in;

with the taste of food and wine and your kisses lingering on my lips for days;

with our shared laughter echoing in my ears.

But soon, I am running on empty again, grasping at even the slightest bit of kindness;

willing myself to understand that you are just misunderstood;

blaming your past, blaming my past

to justify why we’re still together.

Soon, there won’t be enough good times to remember, and then, what will happen to us then?

*I wrote this while I was reading Colleen Hoover’s “It Ends With Us.” =)

Let Them Talk

Let them talk about us.

Let them wonder if “us” still exists.

Let their ears burn and their tongues wag.

I have no interest in opinion or interjection.

My life might be an open book,

But my heart, my hurts are mine alone.

Tepidly In Love

There is no shame in admitting

That I’m willing to settle

for lukewarm feelings and tepid thoughts

Because calamity comes too easily

For a woman who is passionate,

And I fear that a single gesture from you

Can leave me undone.

Always Lying

I say I still love you

And you say you still love me.

But we are always lying.

Sometimes it’s me

And sometimes it’s you

But we both pretend we believe

so that we don’t hurt each other.

Someday our lies

Will catch up to us

And then who will we lie to?

Eternal Hopeful

I have this long standing belief,

In spite of all previous experiences to the contrary

That love will find me again

Except this time, it will blossom into a garden where now only lies dry soil

And it will be overflowing enough for everyone to get a share and come home with their own love to pass around.

So while I momentarily grieve each broken heart,

I remain steadfast in the hope that the next one will be that kind of love.

Shall We Begin This?

You’re the almost to my maybe

The missed boat to my open sea

The one risk I haven’t had the chance to take

The best decision I have yet to make.

Timing can ruin even the best songs

One misstep can lead to all sorts of wrongs

But what’s a song if it’s not sung?

And what is us if we haven’t even begun?

Your Face is a Poem

Your face is a poem.

With eyes that dance to a meter,

and lips that speak in rhyme.

I sometimes understand you.

But mostly, I find you open to interpretation.

That is your secret,

and I am endlessly fascinated.

Sticking to Simple Dreams

I know we’re in the middle of a world’s that’s gone and flipped itself over,

and I can’t make heads or tails of things beyond me.

So I’m sticking to this simple dream–

I just want someone to kiss hello,

and to blow kisses goodbye.

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